Moto GP Host nation Host contract optimisation

Host contract optimisation - MotoGP

We provided paper negotiations support for the host contract optimisation of a new Moto GP race. Our objectives included:

  • To rapidly develop the senior team’s appreciation of Dorna’s existing business ecosystem and business objectives.
  • To provide a focus on the hosting landscape and future hosting objectives (strategy, calendar development, benchmarks, outliers, revenues, profitability, etc.)
  • To identify and develop existing best-in-practice circuit hosting agreements – (risk mitigation, rights, VIK, revenue share, commercial terms and structures), developing benchmarks and insight-led levers to optimise negotiating power.

This was applied to minimise the fee that the host paid, de-risk the contract, capture additional value that could be commercialised, and ensure the entire rights package was structured to provide a compelling commercial offering for the host.


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